Monday, August 4, 2014


One Monday afternoon, I was sluggishly walking home after a tiresome day of school, when all of the sudden, I saw these two girls patiently standing behind a table with a plethora of pamphlets, all relating to Islam. I being naturally curious, approached them, and asked if I could have a Qu'ran.

Though looking exhausted and drained from standing outside for what seemed like hours in 80 degree weather, they received me with eagerness and welcoming hospitality. One of the girls told me that they were driven to do this because of all the stereotypes by the media of Muslims and of the Islamic religion. I was so amazed at the commitment these two girls made in taking time out of their day to educate the public about Islam that I took a picture. Though my conversation with them was brief, nevertheless, it altered my mood for the entire day. It is incredibly virtuous for these two young people to take time out of their day to do something they're passionate about and take an active stance in their community. More young people should do something like this.


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