Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

12/18: Africa Project, Gift Wrapping, Holiday Party

Hey all,
The holiday season is right around the corner, yet there's still much to do! Here are this week's updates:
  • This Saturday is the Africa Project. For those who signed up, please meet in front of Midwood by 9 AM. If you are unable to attend, you MUST let us know.
Gift Wrapping Event
Due to limited space, we're sorry to inform you that spots for the event are reserved ONLY FOR THOSE WHO SIGNED UP AT THIS WEEK'S MEETING. If you signed up at last week's meeting, unfortunately we cannot offer the spot to you because of limited space. 
  • Friday 12/19: 6-9 PM
  • Saturday 12/20: 3-6 PM / 6-9 PM
  • Sunday 12/21: 3-6 PM / 6-9 PM
  • Tuesday 12/23: 6-9 PM
  • Wednesday 12/24: 6-9 PM
The meet up location is on the Flatbush Ave side of Kings Plaza (by Modells). If you cannot find one of us, please take a picture of yourself at the event and email it to us so we can ensure that your attendance has been taken, and that you will get credit.

Last but not least, the Holiday Party!
  • The party for period 11 members is on Monday but Tuesday for period 9 and 10 members. Be sure to bring in whatever supplies you've agreed to bring (plates, cups, chips, cookies, soda, etc.)
We also mentioned an event at the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen on New Years Day during this week's meeting. More details such as meet up location and time will be announced soon, so if you are still interested, keep an eye out on your inbox, Facebook, or our blog next week.

See you all soon,
Midwood Key Club Officers

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November Divisional

A message from our Lieutenant Governor:

Dear Division 9,
Join Division 9 for our next Divisional meeting! Come participate in fun icebreakers, meet new friends, and get new project ideas!
Divisional Meetings are hosted by Lt. Governor Clifford Young. All clubs meet up on a monthly basis to discuss past events (including service projects and fundraisers) and future activities. At these meetings, Key Clubbers within Division 9 have the opportunity to learn more about the international organization and about serving the community. Attending divisionals is a great way to become more involved in Key Club.
Date: November 13th, 2014
Time: 4:30 PM
Location: John Dewey High School
*Please arrive as soon as possible! John Dewey H.S. does have security screening so please be aware. Thanks!
Yours In Service,
Clifford Young and Timmy Dhakaia
Lieutenant Governor and Divisional Executive Assistant
New York District Key Club - Division 9 -

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10/14: Update

Phew, what a relief! The week is over and now we have three days off! Congrats!

1) Thank you to all of you who attended this week's meeting, last weekends bowl-a-thon event and this Wednesday's divisional meeting at Murrow! It's so awesome seeing you guys having fun at our meetings and events. As we're meeting new people and creating new memories, we're also making changes. That's what I love about this club.

2) Tomorrow is the Columbus Day Parade! :)  
Our participants are: Doris E, Nya S, Nga Ying L, Xiao YingHelen TAbrar R, Wensi W, Helen Wang CKeying LFeiran MNicole K, Thaliaa C, and Laurina St F.

Meet up location (recently changed): Outside 2015 70th Street (close to 20th Avenue)
Time: 12:15 pm. It should end before 3:00 pm.
Five service hours will be given to all those who sign in at the parade. We still have 2 positions open
If you can no longer make it, please email us back before 7:00 pm tonight. If you would like to attend, email us back as well and we'll let you know by 7:30 pm if you can go. First come first serve!

3) If you're interested in running for editor, please print the attached application and fill it out. Hand it in during next Tuesday's meeting. Editors are responsible for submitting monthly report forms, summarizing all the fun events our club held for the month. We're looking for someone who is motivated, organized and enthusiastic! So basically, you all qualify :) 

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hallo, Berlin!

Bradenburg Gate
For those of you who may know, Key Club is having its annual foreign exchange in Berlin this year! If you are interested, please come to next week's meeting for more information or contact our adviser Ms. Alexander to find out the details. Danke Shoen! :)

October: Events!

Tomorrow: Wednesday, October 8th is the Divisional Meeting.
PURPOSE: To meet and socialize with other key club members from the division, to learn a little more about the club you're in and the beauty it hold, and to just have fun playing ice breakers and fun games!
TIME: 5:00 PM (We will also be meeting in front of Midwood at 4:30 for those of you who want to come in a group).
Location:Murrow High School (<--It's a really colorful school, for those of you who don't know)
We'd love it if at least 10-15 of you came to this event 
Dates to keep in your calendars:
-October 11th (Columbus Day Parade) - Details announced shortly
-October 19th (Breast Cancer Walk) - Details announced shortly - Check our Calendar!

Lastly, please keep brainstorming any ideas you might have for the club that will benefit our world. It can be for the school, for our meetings, and for causes you're interested in! Our club is what YOU GUYS make it, so if we all work together and listen to each other's ideas we will be making a difference.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hi Everyone! Happy Wednesday/Friday! If you are receiving this email and you have graduated, please email us a request to unsubscribe, because we will not be updating the list until we collect all dues. If you are interested in participating in an exchange trip to Berlin, Germany this Winter Break for a very reasonable price, I am posting a link below with a summary and information about the program, as well as the contact information of Mr.Gradshaw, who is organizing this for our club. This trip is an awesome opportunity to travel to Europe with your friends and make new friendships that will last a lifetime. Also, if you would like to do this with a friend outside of key club, feel free to invite them as well. There are about twenty positions left, so if you are planning to come, please bring in a deposit of $200 by our next meeting. You guys are doing an awesome job recruiting new members, we're even considering extending our deadline for dues. That being said, continue wearing your new hoodies, talking to your friends about key club, and please make posters by the next meeting for us to hang around the school (yes, you will get credits for the poster), and continue building your list of new members to win a gift card prize! Remember, the more members that you collect, the higher the value of the gift card will be! If you are truly passionate about key club and are planning to become an officer of Key Club in December (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Master), we highly recommend that you guys come to Fall Rally this Saturday to learn about these positions are about and what it takes to be chosen for your desired position. It will be at Stuyvesant High School from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm. Admissions are $10.00 and you will participate in many fun workshops that teach you how to be a leader and what the meaning of key club is. Food will be provided for those of you attending. A registration file is attached. Currently, we have a position open to anyone who wants to be an editor. If you are a dedicated member and wish to apply for this position, we will give out an application form during our next meeting and and interview will follow. Editors are responsible for sending out monthly newsletters, which are summaries of our service projects of the month and how it benefited our students, and society. We will select a student who we find the most friendly, motivated and dedicated. Finally, we're asking you guys to think about a charity or cause you really care about. Breast Cancer? Melanoma? Water Crisis? Feeding the homeless? Donating clothes? Helping children in Africa? Animal rescue? Write it down on a post-it, and we'll all share our ideas of how we can get started on helping your cause :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND ENJOY YOUR LONG WEEKEND, LOVES!

Overview of the Berlin Exchange Trip:
Waiver for the Fall Rally:

Monday, August 4, 2014


One Monday afternoon, I was sluggishly walking home after a tiresome day of school, when all of the sudden, I saw these two girls patiently standing behind a table with a plethora of pamphlets, all relating to Islam. I being naturally curious, approached them, and asked if I could have a Qu'ran.

Though looking exhausted and drained from standing outside for what seemed like hours in 80 degree weather, they received me with eagerness and welcoming hospitality. One of the girls told me that they were driven to do this because of all the stereotypes by the media of Muslims and of the Islamic religion. I was so amazed at the commitment these two girls made in taking time out of their day to educate the public about Islam that I took a picture. Though my conversation with them was brief, nevertheless, it altered my mood for the entire day. It is incredibly virtuous for these two young people to take time out of their day to do something they're passionate about and take an active stance in their community. More young people should do something like this.

August Events

UPDATE: We now have an Event Calendar on the bottom of the page to make things more convenient for you guys when we update events. Check it out!

Hey guys
Emails, emails - for those who don't check or receive them:
Hi key clubbers! We have some events for this month of august. It would be amazing if you all were to continue being (or become) active members by participating in these events
First off, we have a walk for traffic safety on August 10th (10:30 AM) at Dyker Beach Park at 86st and 14th ave. You will receive a certificate and 5 service hours for participating. We need 20 members, as per Assemblyman William Colton's request by August 7th!!

Wednesday, August 6th there is a meeting for the walk at 29 bay 25th street. If you want to participate in the walk, we strongly suggest you to attend this meeting. We need 10 members by August 4th!! 
On August 20th (10:00 AM), there is a clean up. Meet-up is also at 29 Bay 25th street. 2-4 service hours is rewarded. We need 15 members by August 17th!!
Please RVSP asap. As you guys participate in events, your hours will add up and it will look amazing for colleges!! Take advantage of these opportunities!
Have a great rest of the summer. we hope to see you at these events 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Flashback Friday: Prospect Park Picnic

'Twas a lovely, but oh-so-hot, summer day at Prospect Park.
Hello Key Clubbers!
Hope you've not forgotten about your commitments this past month! If you are part of our Facebook group, you'll see that we reguarly post pictures and occasionally videos for our events. But from now on, all I will now be posting some pictures either I or members have taken at the events on this blog.

In case you've missed it: Our first event of July was the Prospect Park Picnic. It was a lot of fun, and members from Edward R. Murrow, Abraham Lincoln, and Brooklyn Tech Key Club attended as well. (We highly encourage inviting members from other key clubs to participate in our events!) After devouring hoards of junk food, we then proceeded to playing numerous games, including "never have I ever," which was G-rated at its inception, but naturally, became PG-13.

Here are some pictures/videos of the lovely Grand Army Plaza:

"Why did you join Key Club?"

Monday, June 9, 2014

Cancelled Events

Hey Key Clubbers,
I regret to inform you that the Divisional Training Conference originally planned for June 14th and the Movie Party originally planned for June 12th has been cancelled. We will address this at tomorrow's meeting.

Your Webmaster,

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Events: April-May

For those of you who are not in the Facebook group. Courtesy of our wonderful secretary Emily:
Hey guys 
We have some exciting news and events coming up!
1. We will be having an event at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden this Saturday and this Sunday from 9:00 to 6:00. You'll be helping to hand out maps, answering questions, and just helping out the garden during the busiest time of the year. Liana will be organizing a group to go together, so please comment or message her if you're interested in that.

2. On April 27th, we will be having the March of Dimes at 10:00 at Lincoln Center. The march of dimes is to help babies who are born with diseases. There will be a meet up at Midwood at 8:30 (I think- contact Liana or Clifford for more info). Non key clubbers, friends and families are welcome!

3. On May 3rd we will be having another Africa project. This is super important, and we have 35 spots, so please please please come and help out. A bus will pick up volunteers at 8:15. Guys, i think this might be the most important event of the year, so please come!

4. On May 4th there will be a walk to support Multiple Sclerosis, a disease which causes the muscle to wear away, and the victims to lose strength and coordination. It will be on Pier 26 in lower Manhattan at 11 AM. This walk is great, because after you can go for food or shop in Manhattan, and all non-key clubbers or friends from other schools, or parents or whatever are encouraged to come! You can also print out the form and collect donations, which are due by April 30th! If you can't do both the walk and donate, then just do one  We appreciate any help we can get!

5. On May 7th, at Edward R. Murrow high school at 4:45 pm! Please come and support our very own Clifford Young :)
6. On May 17th, there will be a neighborhood clean up. We are meeting at 10:00 am at 29 Bay 25th Street, which is located between 86th Street & Benson Avenue. Pizza will be provided to all volunteers!

7. There will be a toy drive for toys for tots, which gives toys to underprivileged children in the city. Please donate toys in the lobby from April 28th to May 19th! All toys will really help these kids smile 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Upcoming Events: Brooklyn Botanic Garden, March of Dimes, and More!

April 19-20: For all you nature lovers, come volunteer at the beautiful Brooklyn Botanic Garden during the Spring Break! The Brooklyn Botanic Garden needs volunteers to help visitors with directions, hand out maps, etc.  The event starts at 9:45 AM, but you can stay until 6 PM. With the beautiful spring weather upon us, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden will be a wonderful experience not only to assist the staff, but to enjoy the breathtaking splendors of the garden.

April 27: On April 27th, we will be hitting the pavements of Lincoln Center to support healthy babies. The March of Dimes Walk will commence at 9:30 AM in Lincoln Center, or we will meet at Midwood at 8 AM. More information concerning March of Dimes can be found at:

May 17: Key Club will be hosting a scavenger hunt on May 17th in Prospect Park! If you're interested in participating, there is a $5 fee, but all proceeds go to an animal charity. The scavenger hunt begins at 11 AM.

Ongoing Events
March 31-April 11: We are having a Food Drive! Please bring in your nonperishable goods to the bins in the lobby and write your name onto the bags if you wish to receive credit.

Of course, service credits will be given when you participate in these events. However, focus not on the credit you'll receive, but on the idea of helping our community and giving back in any way possible. In this day and age, we often forget how fortunate we are, which is why it's so important to help others who are in need. Key Club is a student-run organization, so it's up to us members to take Key Club beyond its limits. With that in mind, invite your friends, even if they're not members! Help us spread the word about these events and we'll hope to see you there.

What is Key Club?

What's Key Club all about? Hint: We don't make keys! (No apologies for the cheesy pun).

From Key Club International's Website:
Key Club International is the high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.

Key Club International brings together all Key Club's members' efforts and energies into an area that makes an international impact through the Major Emphasis, "Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” The Major Emphasis unites Key Clubs under the banner of service that deals with the most important part of our community, our youth.

The Key Club service initiative is the hands-on element of the Major Emphasis. All of the hands-on service provided to children by Key Club International members is directed to a single area of need, to make a substantial impact. The current service initiative, The Eliminate Project, allows Key Clubbers joining forces with Kiwanis International and UNICEF eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.

Each year, Key Club International teams up with its three partner organizations, March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network and UNICEF, for the fundraising element of the Major Emphasis. As you plan your club’s service programming for the year, keep these organizations in mind. Each Key Club is encouraged to participate with our partners as we join together to make a difference in the lives of children.