Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Division Training Conference

Hey Key Clubbers!

On Saturday, June 18th, Divisions 8-11 will be hosting the Divisional Training Conference, or DTC for short. DTC is one of the largest events during our service year. Key Clubbers are given the opportunity to learn more about Key Club International and the impact we have on our environment. At DTC, you will be able to develop new leadership skills, learn more about Key Club, and make new friends from other divisions. The admissions fee for this event is $10, which includes over 15 workshops/panels presented by Key Club International, handouts and presentation materials, and lunch, which consists of pizza and refreshments. DTC will be held at Stuyvesant High School from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. This event is a great opportunity for members to truly understand the meaning of Key Club and I advise many of you attend DTC. If you are interested in this event, please fill out the form attached. DTC Sign-Up Form. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact any of the officers through email/Facebook/in person or by leaving a comment below. Happy Key Clubbing!

1 comment:

  1. these types of training conferences helps a lot.If you are a teacher you should know how to teach,how to influence children and how to control them.In these training conferences you learn so much stuff about it.you are doing great job
