Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hi Everyone! Happy Wednesday/Friday! If you are receiving this email and you have graduated, please email us a request to unsubscribe, because we will not be updating the list until we collect all dues. If you are interested in participating in an exchange trip to Berlin, Germany this Winter Break for a very reasonable price, I am posting a link below with a summary and information about the program, as well as the contact information of Mr.Gradshaw, who is organizing this for our club. This trip is an awesome opportunity to travel to Europe with your friends and make new friendships that will last a lifetime. Also, if you would like to do this with a friend outside of key club, feel free to invite them as well. There are about twenty positions left, so if you are planning to come, please bring in a deposit of $200 by our next meeting. You guys are doing an awesome job recruiting new members, we're even considering extending our deadline for dues. That being said, continue wearing your new hoodies, talking to your friends about key club, and please make posters by the next meeting for us to hang around the school (yes, you will get credits for the poster), and continue building your list of new members to win a gift card prize! Remember, the more members that you collect, the higher the value of the gift card will be! If you are truly passionate about key club and are planning to become an officer of Key Club in December (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Master), we highly recommend that you guys come to Fall Rally this Saturday to learn about these positions are about and what it takes to be chosen for your desired position. It will be at Stuyvesant High School from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm. Admissions are $10.00 and you will participate in many fun workshops that teach you how to be a leader and what the meaning of key club is. Food will be provided for those of you attending. A registration file is attached. Currently, we have a position open to anyone who wants to be an editor. If you are a dedicated member and wish to apply for this position, we will give out an application form during our next meeting and and interview will follow. Editors are responsible for sending out monthly newsletters, which are summaries of our service projects of the month and how it benefited our students, and society. We will select a student who we find the most friendly, motivated and dedicated. Finally, we're asking you guys to think about a charity or cause you really care about. Breast Cancer? Melanoma? Water Crisis? Feeding the homeless? Donating clothes? Helping children in Africa? Animal rescue? Write it down on a post-it, and we'll all share our ideas of how we can get started on helping your cause :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND ENJOY YOUR LONG WEEKEND, LOVES!

Overview of the Berlin Exchange Trip:
Waiver for the Fall Rally: