'Twas a lovely, but oh-so-hot, summer day at Prospect Park. |
Hope you've not forgotten about your commitments this past month! If you are part of our Facebook group, you'll see that we reguarly post pictures and occasionally videos for our events. But from now on, all I will now be posting some pictures either I or members have taken at the events on this blog.
In case you've missed it: Our first event of July was the Prospect Park Picnic. It was a lot of fun, and members from Edward R. Murrow, Abraham Lincoln, and Brooklyn Tech Key Club attended as well. (We highly encourage inviting members from other key clubs to participate in our events!) After devouring hoards of junk food, we then proceeded to playing numerous games, including "never have I ever," which was G-rated at its inception, but naturally, became PG-13.
Here are some pictures/videos of the lovely Grand Army Plaza:
"Why did you join Key Club?"
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