Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Relay For Life!

Hey Key Clubbers!
One of the upcoming events for the month of June is the Relay for Life event! Relay for life is an overnight community fundraising walk that aims to raise money for the fight against cancer. There will be food, games, and plenty of other activities at this event. It is an opportunity for communities to honor cancer survivors, commemorate loved ones lost to cancer, and fight against the disease. At this event, we would be assisting with set-up by putting up signs, decorations, and setting tables and tents. We would also put together gift bags for the Survivor Ceremony and assist with the distribution of bags for Luminaria. These bags contain a candle and is personalized with a name, photo, and message to honor someone affected by cancer. These candles represent a person and when it gets dark, these candles would be lit. The location of this Relay for Life event is at 2335 Bergen Avenue and this event will take place on Saturday, June 11th, 2016 from 10 am to 12 am. If you are interested in this event, please sign up on the google form attached. Relay for Life Form! If you have any additional questions/concerns. feel free to contact any of the officers in person/Facebook/email or by leaving a comment below. Happy Key Clubbing!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Division Training Conference

Hey Key Clubbers!

On Saturday, June 18th, Divisions 8-11 will be hosting the Divisional Training Conference, or DTC for short. DTC is one of the largest events during our service year. Key Clubbers are given the opportunity to learn more about Key Club International and the impact we have on our environment. At DTC, you will be able to develop new leadership skills, learn more about Key Club, and make new friends from other divisions. The admissions fee for this event is $10, which includes over 15 workshops/panels presented by Key Club International, handouts and presentation materials, and lunch, which consists of pizza and refreshments. DTC will be held at Stuyvesant High School from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. This event is a great opportunity for members to truly understand the meaning of Key Club and I advise many of you attend DTC. If you are interested in this event, please fill out the form attached. DTC Sign-Up Form. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact any of the officers through email/Facebook/in person or by leaving a comment below. Happy Key Clubbing!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

LaGuardia Tie-Dye Event!

Hey Key Clubbers!

LaGuardia Key Club is hosting a tie-dye fundraising event on Saturday, May 28th! At this event, members will be able to make their own tie-dye shirt, meet new people, and enjoy a picnic. The fundraiser is for this year's Governor's Project, Icing Smiles! There is a $9 admission fee and a reduced $7 fee if you bring enough food for about 100 people. This tie-dye event will take place at Pilgrim Hill in Central Park, beginnig at 11 am. If you are interested in this event, please sign the form attached. LaGuardia Tie-Dye Picnic Fundraiser! If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact any of the officers in person/email/facebook or by leaving a comment below.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Bensonhurst Clean-Up!

A group picture from the clean-up event last August!
Hey Key Clubbers!
For the past year or so, our club has participated in Assemblyman Bill Colton's Bensonhurst Clean-Ups. The first clean-up of this type this year will take place on Sunday, May 22nd, 2016. The meet up location for the this event is at 29 Bay 25th Street Brooklyn, NY, 11214. Volunteers are expected to arrive by 9:30 am and the event will end by 2 pm.
At this event, volunteers will pick up trash that litters the streets and will inform residents and businesses about sanitation rules and keeping their neighborhoods clean. After volunteers have finished picking up trash from their designated areas, volunteers will return to the meet up location, where they will be given free pizza for their service and given a document for 5 service hours. If you are interested in this event, sign up in the form attached. Bensonhurst Clean-Up Form. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask one of the officers in person, through Facebook, or through our email addresses which can be found in the cabinet tab on this website. You can also leave a comment below or send an email to our club's email. Happy Key Clubbing!